SMD Surface Mount Integrated Circuits


Serial Flash Memory - W25Q32FV (32Mb, 104MHz, SOIC-8)

Code: SKU-005933

The W25Q32FV (32M-bit) Serial Flash memory provides a storage solution for systems with limited space, pins, and power. This small SMD IC series offers flexibility and performance well beyond ordinary Serial Flash devices.

$ 3.35

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ST VNH5019A Motor Driver IC

Code: SKU-002594

This motor driver IC from ST. operates from 5.5 to 24 V and can deliver a maximum of 30 A. For more information, please see the VNH5019A-E datasheet (475k pdf). We use this motor driver in our VNH5019 motor driver carrier and our dual VNH5019 motor driver shield for Arduino .

$ 110.95

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