IC - General

General Integrated Circuits


Optoisolator - 1 Channel

Code: SKU-004997

This is an opto-isolator for controlling large loads of current on a single channel. This 4-pin dip can be used in conjunction with relays, small motors, etc. to allow a simple microcontroller to turn on and off up to 50mA. Documents: Datasheet Example Schematic

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Schmitt Trigger - CD40106B

Code: SKU-005038

The CD40106BE consists of six Schmitt-trigger circuits. Each circuit functions as an inverter with Schmitt-trigger action on the input. The trigger switches at different points for positive- and negative-going signals.

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Shift Register 8-Bit - SN74HC595

Code: SKU-002191

The SN74HC595N is a simple 8-bit shift register IC. Simply put, this shift register is a device that allows additional inputs or outputs to be added to a microcontroller by converting data between parallel and serial formats.

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Transistor - NPN, 60V 4A (2N5191G)

Code: SKU-005037

This is the 2N5191G, an NPN silicon transistor. This little transistor can help in your project by being used to help drive large loads or amplifying or switching applications. The 2N5191G is specifically rated at 60V and 4A max. Documents: Datasheet

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Transistor - NPN (2N3904)

Code: SKU-000063

These are very common, high quality BJT NPN transistors made by ST. Micro. Datasheet: 2N3904

$ 0.70

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Transistor - PNP (2N3906)

Code: SKU-000064

These are very common, high quality BJT, PNP transistors made by ST. Micro. Datasheet: 2N3906

$ 0.55

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