LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) uses pulsed laser light to measure distances similar to how ultrasonic sensors use reflected sound waves.


VL53L5CX Time-of-Flight 8×8-Zone Distance Sensor Carrier with Voltage Regulator, 400cm Max

Code: SKU-009069

This sensor is a carrier/breakout board for ST.’s VL53L5CX laser-ranging sensor, which offers fast and accurate ranging up to 4 m through a digital I²C interface.

$ 28.95

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VL6180X Time-of-Flight Distance Sensor Carrier with Voltage Regulator

Code: SEN-10072

This sensor is a carrier/breakout board for ST.’s VL6180X proximity and ambient light sensor, which measures distance with 1 mm resolution over a detection range of 0 cm to 10 cm or greater.

$ 19.95

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Shipping from $2.90

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