
Other wireless serial communications modules

Communicate between microcontrollers or computers using these wireless modules. Capable of transmitting and receiving serial data streams over short ranges allows remote control of devices.

Pololu's Wixel even includes a programmable microprocessor to include your own functionality directly on the module.


SparkFun FM Tuner Basic Breakout - Si4703

Code: SKU-000890

This breakout for the Silicon Laboratories Si4703 FM tuner chip is a little more stripped down than our FM Tuner Evaluation Board. If your project already has an amp and just needs a full-featured FM tuner, this is the board for you.

$ 20.95

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Shipping from $2.90

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SparkFun RFM69 Breakout (434MHz)

Code: SKU-002266

This is the SparkFun RFM69 Breakout, a small piece of tech that breaks out all the pins available on the RFM69HCW module as well as making the transceiver easy to use.

$ 21.95

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Shipping from $2.90

+36 more from our supplier in 7-10 days

SparkFun RFM69 Breakout (915MHz)

Code: SKU-002265

This is the SparkFun RFM69 Breakout, a small piece of tech that breaks out all the pins available on the RFM69HCW module as well as making the transceiver easy to use.

$ 21.95

Special Order

Shipping from $2.90

+139 more from our supplier in 7-10 days