Raspberry Pi A2-Class SD Card - 32GB

SD card quality is a critical factor in determining the overall user experience for a Raspberry Pi single-board computer.

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SD card quality is a critical factor in determining the overall user experience for a Raspberry Pi single-board computer. Recent cards support higher bus speeds, and the command queuing extension, which permits a degree of pipelining of random read operations; together these close some of the gap between SD card and NVMe SSD performance.

This 32GB MicroSD card from Raspberry Pi is the preferred choice for those looking to run and boot an OS off of a MicroSD card with the Pi. It has been thoroughly tested, vetted, and selected by the Raspberry Pi foundation for use with the Raspberry Pi and Raspbian operating systems.


  • A2 class micro-SD cards with support for DDR50 and SDR104 bus speeds and command queueing (CQ) extension
  • 32GB Capacity
  • Random 4KB read performance
    • 3,200 IOPS (Raspberry Pi 4, DDR50)
    • 5,000 IOPS (Raspberry Pi 5, SDR104)
  • Random 4K write performance
    • 1,200 IOPS (Raspberry Pi 4, DDR50)
    • 2,000 IOPS (Raspberry Pi 5, SDR104)

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