This common MOSFET with a 60V 30A rating allows a low power electronics circuit to control a much bigger electrical load. The metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) can drive big loads like motors and lights from microcontrollers or mechanical switches.
If you’ve ever wondered how to control the headlight of a car from a microcontroller, a MOSFET is what you need. This is a very common MOSFET with very low on-resistance and a control voltage (aka gate voltage) that is compatible with any 3-5V microcontroller or mechanical switch. This allows you to control high-power devices with very low-power control mechanisms.
Note: We stock two different models of this component, the two are nearly identical and can be used interchangeably. We’ve provided links to both datasheets below. We are currently shipping the FQP30N06L.