It's a case for the Raspberry Pi camera in black. Like the clear version, this case has a hole in the front for the camera and a hole in the back for the ribbon cable. Mounting holes on the bottom allow you to attach the case and camera to other things.
The Raspberry Pi is everybody’s favourite little computer and adding a Camera Module or Pi NoIR opens the door into video and photo capture, the last thing that you’d want is for something bad to happen to it. Why not protect your camera with one of these snazzy plastic enclosures? These cases protect the Raspberry Pi Camera Module from things like rogue wires that might short it out while still allowing full access to the board! Simply place the camera into the front half of the enclosure, then snap the two sides together.
As you may have noticed, these camera enclosures are actually an opaque black colour. The enclosures are perfect for blending your camera into a black surface, giving your project a sleeker look.
The enclosure provides a slot to run the ribbon cable out to the CSI on your Raspberry Pi, a hole in the front of the enclosure for the camera to view out of, and two wall mounting slots with screws. This is a really durable case that will do a great job protecting your Raspberry Pi Camera Module or Pi NoIR!
Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 3 cm