This is the new, weather resistant, field-hardened WR from Maxbotix . The XL series of this sensor features higher resolution, longer range, higher power output and better calibration when compared to the LV version .
This is the new, weather resistant, field-hardened WR from Maxbotix. The XL series of this sensor features higher resolution, longer range, higher power output and better calibration when compared to the LV version.
The WR uses a robust PVC housing, is designed to meet IP67 water intrusion, and matches standard electrical 3/4" PVC pipe fittings. The sensor provides very accurate readings from 0 to 765cm (0 to 25.1ft) with 1cm resolution. This sensor can be powered with anywhere between 3.3 and 5VDC.
Range information can be gathered through one of three methods - analogue, serial, or PWM - all of which are active at the same time. The analogue output will produce a voltage proportional to the measured distance, with a sensitivity of (Vcc/1024)V/cm. The serial interface is simple and formatted to RS-232, with voltages ranging from 0 to Vcc and terminal settings of 9600-8-N-1. Finally, the PWM pin outputs a pulse-width representation of the range with a scale factor of 58us/cm.
Note: The High-Resolution version of this sensor is now available so this one is being discontinued. We're now selling them at a reduced price so get them while you can! The High-Resolution version can be found here.