Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Starter Kit

There's a lot of Raspberry Pi information going around lately. Whether it’s Pi 3, Zero, Zero W or one of the many previous iterations, any forum will have thousands of people giving all the answers possible to a problem.

Not currently available

Our Code: SKU-006108

Supplier Link: [SparkFun MPN:15361]


There's a lot of Raspberry Pi information going around lately. Whether it’s Pi 3, Zero, Zero W or one of the many previous iterations, any forum will have thousands of people giving all the answers possible to a problem. Though most methods work for any version, it can be tough to decide which information to choose. The Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Starter Kit is a great way to gain a solid introduction to the small, credit-card-sized computer. With this kit you will be able to get your Raspberry Pi 3 B+ connected through our SparkFun Pi Wedge to a breadboard and, by utilising the RPi's 40-pin GPIO, will be able to control pushbuttons, LEDs and a host of user-created circuits.

The online guides and tutorials we will be providing for the kit and the full release of the RPi 3 B+ will contain step-by-step instructions for how to set up your Raspberry Pi and how to program it in a variety of languages.

This kit will not require any soldering and is recommended for anyone with a drive to learn more about the Raspberry Pi and its programming. So if you are looking for a new challenge or a way to get in on the RPi craze, check out the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Starter Kit!

