AVR Development Tools and Boards


Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2.1

Code: SKU-004607

This in-system programmer can be used to program AVR microcontrollers and AVR-based controller boards, such as our A-Star 328PB Micro, Orangutan robot controllers, and the 3pi robot.

$ 18.95

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AVR 8 Pin 20MHz 8K 4A/D - ATtiny85

Code: SKU-000399

Atmel ATtiny85 8-Bit processor features 8K of program space with 4 channel 10 bit ADC. The chip runs up to 20MHz with the use of an external crystal and it can be programmed when in a circuit.

$ 6.95

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AVR Programming Cable

Code: SKU-000354

This is a handy AVR programming cable that incorporates both the 10-pin and 6-pin ISP programming interfaces. Cable is about 12" long.

$ 3.20

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Pocket AVR Programmer

Code: SKU-000508

This new version uses an SMD 5x2 header. This is a simple to use USB AVR programmer. It is low cost, easy to use, works great with AVRDude , and is tested extensively on a Windows desktop. Based on Dick Streefland’s USBtiny and Limor Fried’s USBtinyISP .

$ 29.95

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Tiny AVR Programmer

Code: SKU-001138

The ATtiny45 and 85 are a couple of really cool little MCUs but did you know you can program them in Arduino? That’s right, now you can shrink your Arduino projects down to “tiny size” by moving your code straight over to these small but capable ICs.

$ 32.95

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