Code: SKU-002153
The LilyPad Arduino 328 Main Board is an Arduino-programmed microcontroller designed to be easily integrated into e-textiles and wearable projects. More Details...
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Code: SKU-003770
Sure, your flashing, chip-tune playing T-shirt is really cool at the party… but at some point you need to turn it off. And yes, you could just pull the battery, or maybe you’ve even sewn a LilyPad slide switch in-line. More Details...
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Code: SKU-003789
This is a simple pack of five Green LilyPad LEDs that are still attached to one another, letting you snap the LEDs apart at your leisure to sew into clothing or whatever else you can dream up. LilyPad is a wearable e-textile technology developed by Dr. More Details...
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Code: SKU-003791
This is a simple pack of five Red LilyPad LEDs that are still attached to one another, letting you snap the LEDs apart at your leisure to sew into clothing or whatever else you can dream up. LilyPad is a wearable e-textile technology developed by Dr. More Details...
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Code: SKU-003785
This is a simple pack of five White LilyPad LEDs that are still attached to one another, letting you snap the LEDs apart at your leisure to sew into clothing or whatever else you can dream up. LilyPad is a wearable e-textile technology developed by Dr. More Details...
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Code: SKU-004302
The LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus is a sewable electronics prototyping board that you can use to explore circuits and programming, then break apart to make an interactive fabric or wearable project. More Details...
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Code: SKU-003786
This is the LilyPad Rainbow LED strip, with seven LilyPad LEDs that are still attached to one another, letting you snap LEDs apart at your leisure to sew into clothing or whatever else you can dream up. More Details...
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Code: SKU-002154
The LilyPad Reed Switch is a simple breakout for a reed switch that will make it easy to use in e-textiles circuits in exactly the same manner that you can currently use the LilyPad Button and Switch. More Details...
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Code: SKU-000394
This is a simple slide switch for the LilyPad. Use it as a simple ON/OFF switch, or to control LEDs, buzzers, sensors, etc. The swtiches on each board are rated for 4 volts at 300mA, but will work at 5 volts with a reduction in current. More Details...
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Code: SKU-000251
Measure temperature in your e-textile project with this LilyPad temperature sensor incorporating the MCP9700 chip. With a range of -40°C to +125°C and easy voltage output this sensor will read just how hot or cold the world is. More Details...
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