LCD - Colour

LCD- Colour


1.8" TFT LCD 160x128 RGB

Code: SKU-005186

Here’s a very cool TFT LCD display with 128 x 160 resolution and 18-bit colour depth. The most unique feature of the screen is the ability to read back the display memory across the bi-directional data lines.

$ 6.95

Not currently available

Raspberry Pi LCD - 7" Touchscreen

Code: SKU-002211

This 7" Raspberry Pi Touchscreen LCD provides you with the ability to create a standalone device that can be utilised as a custom tablet or an all-in-one interactive interface for a future project.

$ 140.95

Not currently available

Serial Miniature LCD Module - 1.44" (uLCD-144-G2 GFX)

Code: SKU-000980

The µLCD-144-G2(GFX) is a compact and cost effective display module using the latest state of the art LCD (TFT) technology with an embedded GOLDELOX-GFX2 graphics processor that delivers ‘stand-alone’ functionality to any project.

$ 67.95

Special Order

Shipping from $7.90

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SparkFun MicroMod Input and Display Carrier Board

Code: SKU-006925

The SparkFun MicroMod Input and Display Carrier Board is a great way to add data and input visibility to your MicroMod project.

$ 89.95

Special Order

Shipping from $7.90

+36 more from our supplier in 7-10 days

SparkFun TFT LCD Breakout - 1.8" (128x160)

Code: SKU-005417

The SparkFun TFT LCD Breakout is a versatile, colourful, and easy way to experiment with graphics or create a user interface for your project.

$ 59.95

Special Order

Shipping from $7.90

+16 more from our supplier in 7-10 days