

Diodes are a very simple semiconductor component that act like a one way valve in an electronic circuit. They are typically used to rectify AC to DC current, provide reverse polarity protection or in signal processing.


Diode Rectifier - 1A, 400V (1N4004)

Code: SKU-004896

This is a simple, subminiature size, axial lead mounted rectifier diode. Often used for reverse voltage protection, the 1N4004 is a staple for many power, DC to DC step up, and breadboard projects. The 1N4004 is rated for up to 1A/400V. Documents: Datasheet

$ 0.50

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Diode Rectifier 1N4001 - 1A 50V

Code: MCU-60218

The popular 1N4001  rectifier diode is rated at 1A, 50V. Useful for AC-DC power rectifying, reverse polarity protection and is suitable for breadboards.

$ 0.50

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Diode Small Signal - 1N4148

Code: MCU-60211

The popular 1N4148 signal diode is ideal for use in many low current circuits. Rated at 200mA, 100V breakdown the diode has 4ns (nanosecond) reverse recovery time making it useful for signal processing and other high frequency applications.

$ 0.50

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Zener Diode - 5.1V 1W (Each)

Code: MCU-60234

This Zener diode is rated at 5.1V and a maximum 1W. These can be used to create reference voltages in circuit designs or to provide a stable voltage at low currents. Sold as single diodes.

$ 0.25

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Schottky Diode

Code: SKU-000832

Schottky diodes are known for their low forward voltage drop and a very fast switching action. This 1A 40V Schottky diode is ideal for use with motor drivers such as the L298N. Documents: Datasheet

$ 0.45

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