These boards are just fun or defy categorization.
Learn and explore the world of electronics and microcontrollers without having to solder or even program in some cases.
Other boards use novel languages or fill a niche requirement.
Code: SKU-005915
Looking for a super small microcontroller to use with the Qwiic eco-system ? The SparkFun Qwiic Micro is molded to fit our standard 1"x1" Qwiic standard size which makes it one of our smallest micro-controller offerings to date. More Details...
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Shipping from $2.90
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Code: SKU-005746
The Artemis Module from SparkFun is a Cortex-M4F with BLE 5.0 running up to 96MHz and with as low power as 6uA per MHz (less than 5mW). This is the world's first module to bridge the market between hobbyists and consumer products. More Details...
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Shipping from $2.90
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Code: SKU-001924
This is the Add-On kit for the SparkFun Digital Sandbox (DS) learning platform. With this add-on you will be able to perform the final three circuit experiments found in the DS Guide book which include making an electric musical instrument, telling a motor to spin as fast as you want, and control... More Details...
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Shipping from $7.90
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