Glideforce LACT8P-12V-10 Light-Duty Linear Actuator with Feedback: 25kgf, 8" Stroke, 1.1"/s, 12V

This 12 V light-duty (LD) linear actuator with a 10:1 gear reduction can lift loads up to 25 kgf [55 lbs or 250 N] and can withstand static loads up to 250 kgf [550 lbs or 2500 N]. It has a maximum speed of 28 mm/s [1.1″/s] at no load and 23 mm/s [0.9″/s] at the maximum load.

AUD$ 353.95

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Concentric LD series linear actuators.

The Light-Duty (LD) series of Glideforce linear actuators by Concentric International (formerly Iowa Export-Import) are 12V DC gearmotors that use a worm drive to move a shaft back and forth along its length. The worm drive ensures that the shaft will hold its position even when unpowered and subjected to static loads up to 250 kgf [550 lbs or 2500 N]. Two limit switches safely stop the motor at either end of its range, while integrated diodes allow it to reverse direction after reaching a limit point if the supplied voltage is reversed. The actuators have an all-aluminium frame and extension tube, and the entire case is sealed to protect against dust and water (rated IP65).

These actuators are available in several gear ratios and a variety of stroke lengths, from 2″ to 12″, and with optional potentiometers that are linked to the shaft position, for use in feedback systems. The table below shows all of the light-duty linear actuators we carry:

@ 12 V
@ 12 V
@ 12 V
(LD) 5:1
15 kgf
[34 lbs]
4.4 cm/s
3.6 cm/s
1.2 A –
3.2 A
4″ LACT4P-12V-05 LACT4-12V-05
12″ LACT12P-12V-05 LACT12-12V-05
(LD) 10:1
25 kgf
[55 lbs]
2.8 cm/s
2.3 cm/s
1.2 A –
3.2 A
2″ LACT2P-12V-10 LACT2-12V-10
4″ LACT4P-12V-10 LACT4-12V-10
6″ LACT6P-12V-10 LACT6-12V-10
8″ LACT8P-12V-10 LACT8-12V-10
10″ LACT10P-12V-10 LACT10-12V-10
12″ LACT12P-12V-10 LACT12-12V-10
(LD) 20:1
50 kgf
[110 lbs]
1.5 cm/s
1.2 cm/s
1.2 A –
3.2 A
2″ LACT2P-12V-20 LACT2-12V-20
4″ LACT4P-12V-20 LACT4-12V-20
6″ LACT6P-12V-20 LACT6-12V-20
8″ LACT8P-12V-20 LACT8-12V-20
10″ LACT10P-12V-20 LACT10-12V-20
12″ LACT12P-12V-20 LACT12-12V-20

Connecting the bracket to one end of a Concentric LD linear actuator.

Mounting brackets made from machined aluminium or stamped steel are available for attaching the actuators to a structure; two are required for each actuator (the aluminium brackets are sold individually while the steel brackets are sold in pairs).

Details for item #3649

  • Nominal stroke length: 8″ [20.3 cm]
  • Actual stroke length: 7.87″ [20.0 cm]
  • Retracted length: 13.70″ [34.8 cm] (from mounting hole to mounting hole)
  • Extended length: 21.57″ [54.8 cm] (from mounting hole to mounting hole)
  • Weight: 47 oz [1.33 kg]
  • Gear ratio: 10:1
  • Rated dynamic load capacity: 55 lbs [25 kgf or 250 N]
  • Speed at 12 V, no load: 1.1 in/s [28 mm/s]
  • Speed at 12 V, max load: 0.9 in/s [23 mm/s]
  • Feedback potentiometer

Concentric linear actuator without feedback, opened to show gears.

LD series features and specifications

The following specifications apply to all Glideforce LD series linear actuators:

  • Nominal operating voltage: 12 V
  • Maximum static load: 550 lbs [250 kgf or 2500 N]
  • Standard preset limit switches at both ends of stroke
  • All aluminium frame and extension tube
  • Noise level: ≤ 70 dB
  • Mounting hole diameter: 1/4″ [6.4 mm]
  • Working temperature: -13°F [-25°C] to 149°F [65°C]
  • IP rating: IP65 (total dust protection, water resistant)

For more details, see the LD series datasheet (637k pdf).


Diagrams of the linear actuators are shown below. The versions that include potentiometers have a larger gearbox, so their overall size and weight is larger. For more detailed information, including the retracted and extended lengths of each version, see the datasheet.

Dimensions of Glideforce LD linear actuators with feedback. Units are mm.

Dimensions of Glideforce LD linear actuators without feedback. Units are mm.

Concentric linear actuator with feedback, 4" Stroke (LACT4P), shaft fully extended.

Using the actuator

To test-drive the actuator, simply connect a power source of up to 12 V to the motor leads. Reversing the applied voltage will reverse the direction of motion. A motor controller or motor driver is required for electronic speed and direction control. We recommend our Jrk Motor Controllers for use with the feedback actuators and the Pololu Simple Motor Controller 18v7 for controlling the actuators without feedback, though many of our other motor controllers and motor drivers are capable of powering this actuator.

These actuators have a stall current of 7 A at 12 V, but they will, on average, draw far less than this when used within their load ratings. They draw around 1 A with no load and can exceed 3 A at their maximum rated dynamic load, so we have found they generally work well with our lower-power jrk 21v3 motor controller with feedback (see the bottom of this page for more information using this controller for closed-loop linear actuator position control). Note, however, that the actuators can briefly draw close to their full stall current when abruptly started or on a sudden change of direction. Such current spikes can be dampened if you take steps to limit the acceleration of the actuator (many of our motor controllers offer optional acceleration limiting).

Actuator leads

Actuators with feedback have a 24″ (60 cm) cable that is terminated with special female connectors as shown in the left picture below, one for the three potentiometer leads and another for the two power leads. These connectors match male versions on the extension cable for LD linear actuators. Actuator versions without feedback have a 36″ (90 cm) cable with two unterminated, stripped power leads as shown in the right picture below. Linear actuators without feedback do not have cables that are compatible with the linear actuator extension cable.

Connectors that terminate the cable ends of Glideforce Ledium-Duty (LD) linear actuators with feedback.

Unterminated wire ends for Glideforce Light-Duty (LD) linear actuators without feedback.

Using a jrk motor controller with a linear actuator with feedback

The feedback feature included with our jrk motor controllers make them a great solution for precisely controlling our linear actuators with feedback. Our settings file for the jrk configuration utility makes setup easy, eliminating the need to calibrate the feedback and tune the PID constants. To get started, follow the steps below:

Connecting a linear actuator with feedback to a jrk 21v3 motor controller.

  1. If you have not already, read through the Jrk USB Motor Controllers User’s Guide and download its drivers and configuration software.
  2. Connect your jrk to a PC with a USB cable and launch the configuration utility. The red LED should be on, and the green LED should be flickering quickly.
  3. Download the jrk 21v3 settings file for use with LACTxP (1k txt). The settings in this file work with any length actuator that has a feedback potentiometer (model LACTxP), and they were tested on the jrk 21v3, which is powerful enough to drive these actuators in typical applications. These settings should also mostly work for the higher-power jrk 12v12, though a few of them (e.g. current calibration) might need to be adjusted.
  4. In the configuration utility, choose File → Open settings file (Ctrl + O), and navigate to the location of the settings file you downloaded in step 3.
  5. Click on the PID tab of the configuration utility and verify that the proportional and derivative coefficients are not zero. If they are zero, the settings file was probably not loaded properly and you should try performing the previous step again.
  6. Click “Apply settings to device”.
  7. With your power supply off, connect your linear actuator to your jrk using the connections shown in the picture to the right. The picture shows a jrk 21v3, but the connections will be the same if you use a jrk 12v12.
  8. Turn on Power.
  9. On the Error tab, choose “Clear Errors”. The “No power” and “Feedback disconnect” errors will clear. The red LED will turn off, and the yellow LED will blink slowly.
  10. On the Input tab choose “Set Target” to move your actuator to the target position.

While this setting file gives precise control over most of an actuator’s range, you might find decreased performance very near the extremes due to the limit switches. If your project requires better control near the actuator’s limits, you might need to recalibrate the feedback settings for your particular actuator.

Other Glideforce linear actuator options

Glide force ID, MD, and LD linear actuators with 6″ strokes next to their corresponding aluminium and steel mounting brackets.

We carry a variety of Glideforce linear actuators, from the light-duty LD series through the industrial-duty ID series. The table below shows our full offering of these linear actuators:

@ 12 V
@ 12 V
@ 12 V
(LD) 5:1
15 kgf
[34 lbs]
4.4 cm/s
3.6 cm/s
1.2 A –
3.2 A
4″ LACT4P-12V-05 LACT4-12V-05
12″ LACT12P-12V-05 LACT12-12V-05
(LD) 10:1
25 kgf
[55 lbs]
2.8 cm/s
2.3 cm/s
1.2 A –
3.2 A
2″ LACT2P-12V-10 LACT2-12V-10
4″ LACT4P-12V-10 LACT4-12V-10
6″ LACT6P-12V-10 LACT6-12V-10
8″ LACT8P-12V-10 LACT8-12V-10
10″ LACT10P-12V-10 LACT10-12V-10
12″ LACT12P-12V-10 LACT12-12V-10
(LD) 20:1
50 kgf
[110 lbs]
1.5 cm/s
1.2 cm/s
1.2 A –
3.2 A
2″ LACT2P-12V-20 LACT2-12V-20
4″ LACT4P-12V-20 LACT4-12V-20
6″ LACT6P-12V-20 LACT6-12V-20
8″ LACT8P-12V-20 LACT8-12V-20
10″ LACT10P-12V-20 LACT10-12V-20
12″ LACT12P-12V-20 LACT12-12V-20
100 kgf
[225 lbs]
1.5 cm/s
1.0 cm/s
1.1 A –
4.6 A
4″ MD122004-P MD122004
6″ MD122006-P MD122006
8″ MD122008-P MD122008
10″ MD122010-P MD122010
12″ MD122012-P MD122012
with Acme
screw drive
250 kgf
[550 lbs]
1.7 cm/s
1.4 cm/s
2.4 A –
13.2 A
4″ LACT4-500APL LACT4-500AL
6″ LACT6-500APL LACT6-500AL
8″ LACT8-500APL LACT8-500AL
12″ LACT12-500APL LACT12-500AL
18″ LACT18-500APL LACT18-500AL
24″ LACT24-500APL LACT24-500AL
with ball
screw drive
450 kgf
[1000 lbs]
1.7 cm/s
1.4 cm/s
2.4 A –
13.2 A
4″ LACT4-1000BPL LACT4-1000BL
6″ LACT6-1000BPL LACT6-1000BL
8″ LACT8-1000BPL LACT8-1000BL
12″ LACT12-1000BPL LACT12-1000BL
18″ LACT18-1000BPL LACT18-1000BL
24″ LACT24-1000BPL LACT24-1000BL



Nominal stroke length: 8 in
Actual stroke length: 7.87 in
Retracted length: 13.70 in
Extended length: 21.57 in
Weight: 1.33 kg

General specifications

Gear ratio: 10:1
Current @ 12V, no load: 1.2 A
Current @ 12V, max load: 3.2 A
Stall current @ 12V: 7 A1
Linear speed @ 12V, no load: 1.1 in/s
Linear speed @ 12V, max load: 0.9 in/s
Max linear force @ 12V: 55 lb2
Maximum duty cycle: 25%3
Feedback potentiometer included?: Y
Limit switches included?: Y
Minimum operating temperature: -25.0 °C
Maximum operating temperature: 65 °C
IP rating: IP654


This represents the maximum in-rush current when starting a stationary actuator. These actuators are NOT intended to be stalled, and they will not stall as long as maximum load ratings are respected.
This is a dynamic load rating. The actuator is rated to withstand 500 lbs when not moving.
Or one minute of continuous operation in four minutes.
Total dust protection, water resistant.


File downloads

Datasheet for Glideforce Light-Duty (LD) Linear Actuators (637k pdf)
jrk 21v3 settings for linear actuators (1k txt)
Use a jrk 21v3 to precisely control our Concentric LD series linear actuators with feedback. Instructions for using this file can be found on the linear actuator product pages.

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