Resistors are simple passive electronic components that restrict the flow of current and give off heat as a result. The resistance is a fixed value denoted in a unit called Ohms.
Found in almost all circuits the resistor is very useful for limiting current to devices like LED lights or for protecting a microcontroller's input/output pins from too much current.
Adjustable resistors called potentiometers allow the amount of resistance to be varied between zero and the upper limit specified. Smaller potentiometers typically use carbon or fine wire internally to vary the resistance and are used to provide a measureable resistance as an input to a circuit. Too much current through a small potentiometer will damage it.
Code: SKU-004897
This is a simple knob that connects to the small and medium sized linear slide potentiometers. Each knob uses friction to secure itself to fit onto the slide pot. Once attached, this small knob provides you with an easier to use potentiometer for your project! More Details...
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Code: MCU-60214
This 10k Ohm Trimpot (Trimmable Potentiometer) has a knob for fingers and a screwdriver slot. It works well in breadboards where it can be read as an analog input to control circuits. More Details...
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