Resistors are simple passive electronic components that restrict the flow of current and give off heat as a result. The resistance is a fixed value denoted in a unit called Ohms.
Found in almost all circuits the resistor is very useful for limiting current to devices like LED lights or for protecting a microcontroller's input/output pins from too much current.
Code: SKU-000809
Handy little SIL package contains 5 individual 33 Ohm resistors with a common terminal on the 6th pin. Useful in breadboarding when you need to have a bunch of resistors but without the mess. More Details...
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Code: SKU-001951
This is the SparkFun Decade Resistance Box, an involved PTH soldering kit that allows you to quickly and accurately dial in a specific resistance value between 0 and 999,990 Ω, in 10 Ω increments. More Details...
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