Programming Interactivity - 2nd Edition

Programming Interactivity is a great new book that covers a wide range of topics. What is different about this book is that it shows hardware geeks like myself that Processing and openFrameworks is not scary - it’s actually quite powerful and easy to use! And for the software person that eats Jav...

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Programming Interactivity is a great new book that covers a wide range of topics. What is different about this book is that it shows hardware geeks like myself that Processing and openFrameworks is not scary - it’s actually quite powerful and easy to use! And for the software person that eats Java with a heap of scripting, hardware can un-tether you from a computer and open up a new world of embedded computing.

This second edition copy is updated for the release of Arduino 1.0 and Processing 1.5.

A few of the topics covered:

  • Basic C
  • Processing
  • openFrameworks
  • Computer Vision (OpenCV)
  • Gesture and touch recognition
  • Protocols
  • Motors and Servos
  • Solenoids
  • LEDs and LCDs
  • LilyPad
  • GPS and Location

This is a fast paced book! If you have some base experience with Arduino, some hardware, or maybe a few weeks of openFrameworks, this is a great book to really deepen your knowledge of how all these great projects can be united to create a truly amazing installation.

This book uses a lot of SparkFun products and images. All the related items below are used in the book. We’re excited to see our parts and pictures used in a book!


  • Author: Joshua Noble
  • Publisher: O'Reilly Media
  • Paperback: 728 pages
  • 2nd Edition
  • ISBN 10: 1-4493-1144-X
  • ISBN 13: 978-1-4493-1144-5