This 0.036″-thick stainless steel plate can be mounted to the front of the Zumo chassis to create a slanted, bulldozer-like blade for pushing around objects, such as other mini-sumo robots.
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This basic sumo blade (sometimes also called a “scoop”) is intended for use with the Zumo chassis. It is made of 0.036″-thick, laser-cut stainless steel, and it ships flat as shown in the product picture. The two tabs must be bent to an angle of approximately 70° before it can be mounted to the front of the Zumo chassis. We recommend using a pair of long-nose pliers to bend the tabs:
Basic sumo blade for Zumo chassis
Basic sumo blade mounted on a Zumo chassis
The chassis mounts to the two protruding front mounting holes of the Zumo chassis using the #2-56 screws included with the chassis kit.
Basic sumo blade mounted on a Zumo chassis
Dimensions of the basic sumo blade for Zumo chassis